Traffic engineering

Four images labelled "a short history of traffic engineering".  First image (year 1800) is a graph of horses and people walking. Both get a straight line of movement.  Second image (year 1900) adds bikes and street cars. All get a straight line of movement, apart from the street car that gets a slightly wavy path.  The third image (year 1920) replaces horses with personal cars. Things remain otherwise the same, and the cars the a very wavy line for movement.  The last image (1950s onwards) has replaced the street car with a bus. Bike gets a broken line that zigzags chaotically. Same for pedestrians, and the line is dotted with crosswalks. The bus is also a semi-chaotic jumble of lines. Lastly the personal car has a direct straight line of access.
Four images labelled "a short history of traffic engineering". First image (year 1800) is a graph of horses and people walking. Both get a straight line of movement. Second image (year 1900) adds bikes and street cars. All get a straight line of movement, apart from the street car that gets a slightly wavy path. The third image (year 1920) replaces horses with personal cars. Things remain otherwise the same, and the cars the a very wavy line for movement. The last image (1950s onwards) has replaced the street car with a bus. Bike gets a broken line that zigzags chaotically. Same for pedestrians, and the line is dotted with crosswalks. The bus is also a semi-chaotic jumble of lines. Lastly the personal car has a direct straight line of access.

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