
The image is a two-panel comic strip. In the top panel, labeled "DOG MEAT," a person is shown looking shocked and disgusted, saying "Dog Meat? Horror! Horror!" while a vendor stands behind a meat counter with meat cuts hanging above and displayed in the case. The panel indicates the comic is "Translated from Spanish by Margarita V. L."  In the bottom panel, labeled "COW MEAT," the same person cheerfully asks the vendor, "Give me 2 lbs of beef, please?" The vendor is in a similar setting with meat cuts hanging and displayed in the counter.  The comic highlights the contrasting attitudes toward consuming different animals.
The image is a two-panel comic strip. In the top panel, labeled "DOG MEAT," a person is shown looking shocked and disgusted, saying "Dog Meat? Horror! Horror!" while a vendor stands behind a meat counter with meat cuts hanging above and displayed in the case. The panel indicates the comic is "Translated from Spanish by Margarita V. L." In the bottom panel, labeled "COW MEAT," the same person cheerfully asks the vendor, "Give me 2 lbs of beef, please?" The vendor is in a similar setting with meat cuts hanging and displayed in the counter. The comic highlights the contrasting attitudes toward consuming different animals.

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