
Digital painting showing a gigantic robotic avatar of shell's millenium demon destroying wind turbines and houses in a rural village, while a kid in the foreground plays with a model wooden ship in the nearby river. The demon wears a chainsaw representing deforestation, and a flamethrower reminding people that gas flaring and methane leaks is still a thing.  Artist's additional statement:  "Infrastructure has a footprint on deep time, and since new gas and coal is incompatible with a safe earth, governments and corporations are releasing demons in the sky. If energy markets and environmental law is a battleground, Shell and Chevron are ready to “fight it until hell freezes over, and then fight it out on the ice”. Through physics or culture, one day the sun will shine and the wind will blow on a world without fossil fuels left to extract, with the remains of colossal dead brands rusting away."   PS: This is protected speech under the terms of satire meant to educate the public about grave danger trough humor.
Digital painting showing a gigantic robotic avatar of shell's millenium demon destroying wind turbines and houses in a rural village, while a kid in the foreground plays with a model wooden ship in the nearby river. The demon wears a chainsaw representing deforestation, and a flamethrower reminding people that gas flaring and methane leaks is still a thing. Artist's additional statement: "Infrastructure has a footprint on deep time, and since new gas and coal is incompatible with a safe earth, governments and corporations are releasing demons in the sky. If energy markets and environmental law is a battleground, Shell and Chevron are ready to “fight it until hell freezes over, and then fight it out on the ice”. Through physics or culture, one day the sun will shine and the wind will blow on a world without fossil fuels left to extract, with the remains of colossal dead brands rusting away." PS: This is protected speech under the terms of satire meant to educate the public about grave danger trough humor.

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