
Before: Great, with all these women int he workplace we need to take sexual harassment training and be all "PC". (People look angry at the speaker.) After: Anyone else think this company is getting a little too woke? (People look pleased.)  Before: Why are there so many Black people in this movie? (People look angry at the speaker.) After: Jeez, why is Hollywood so woke these days? (People look pleased.)  Before: I don't want no queers around my kids, you feel me?!| (Everybody looks angry.) After: Look, I just don't want any of that woke agenda in my kid's education. (Everybody looks pleased.)  "Anti-Woke". Covering for shitty bigots since 2020.
Before: Great, with all these women int he workplace we need to take sexual harassment training and be all "PC". (People look angry at the speaker.) After: Anyone else think this company is getting a little too woke? (People look pleased.) Before: Why are there so many Black people in this movie? (People look angry at the speaker.) After: Jeez, why is Hollywood so woke these days? (People look pleased.) Before: I don't want no queers around my kids, you feel me?!| (Everybody looks angry.) After: Look, I just don't want any of that woke agenda in my kid's education. (Everybody looks pleased.) "Anti-Woke". Covering for shitty bigots since 2020.

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