Don’t be evil

The drawing represents two Google executives (Prabhakar Raghavan and Sundar Pichai) standing in front of a large sign. Both are holding multicolor pens and seem to have altered the slogans written on the sign, as follows. "Don't be evil" (added: "unless it's profitable"). "Put the user first" (added: "and the stock price zeroth"). "80%" (striked through, replaced with "120 hours / week") on your main project, 20% on innovative ideas" (second half striked through). "Organize" ("organ" striked through, replaced with "monet") the world's information.
The drawing represents two Google executives (Prabhakar Raghavan and Sundar Pichai) standing in front of a large sign. Both are holding multicolor pens and seem to have altered the slogans written on the sign, as follows. "Don't be evil" (added: "unless it's profitable"). "Put the user first" (added: "and the stock price zeroth"). "80%" (striked through, replaced with "120 hours / week") on your main project, 20% on innovative ideas" (second half striked through). "Organize" ("organ" striked through, replaced with "monet") the world's information.

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