Sephko climate change

Four panel comic drawn by Chilean artist Sephko 1: Summer, in the background a forest and a house are consumed by a forest fire, with a boy and a girl in the foreground running in flames and shouting "AAAAA!" 2: Winter, the same environment but completely flooded, with the same boy and girl drowning in the waves and shouting "AAAAA!" 3: An oil barrel headed politician is raging "Climate change is FAKE!!! You are against FREEDOM!" Below the annotation of the television channel says "Josef Von Petroleum, candidate of the Free Liberty party" 4: The same characters from the first panels are sitting in a tree in the middle of the flood. The boy says, looking at his cell phone "I like freedom! I'll vote for him!", the girl has an angry expression on her face.
Four panel comic drawn by Chilean artist Sephko 1: Summer, in the background a forest and a house are consumed by a forest fire, with a boy and a girl in the foreground running in flames and shouting "AAAAA!" 2: Winter, the same environment but completely flooded, with the same boy and girl drowning in the waves and shouting "AAAAA!" 3: An oil barrel headed politician is raging "Climate change is FAKE!!! You are against FREEDOM!" Below the annotation of the television channel says "Josef Von Petroleum, candidate of the Free Liberty party" 4: The same characters from the first panels are sitting in a tree in the middle of the flood. The boy says, looking at his cell phone "I like freedom! I'll vote for him!", the girl has an angry expression on her face.

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